Infra-Sharing is a solution for sharing telecommunications networks, which has been independently developed by each mobile network operator traditionally. Infra-Sharing is an effective solution for realizing a sustainable society that not only reduces costs and enables more efficient network development, but also reduces environmental impact by reducing electricity consumption, materials and construction works.
JTOWER believes that Infra-Sharing in itself leads to the realization of Sustainable Society.


Infra-Sharing Services from Japan Lead the World, in harmony with natural environment and society

We believe that Infra-Sharing will play an increasingly important role in the early deployment of 5G as a new social infrastructure and the expectations from society will increase.

As a pioneer in Infra-Sharing, we will continue to aim for stable growth while leading business activities related to the advancement and promotion of Infra-Sharing through technological development and new business.

At the same time, harmony with the natural environment and society is indispensable for the sustainable provision of value to society for a long time.

We will continue to work with all of our stakeholders, including mobile network operators, real estate developers, as well as local governments, partner companies, shareholders, and employees, to realize a sustainable society.

Representative Director
Atsushi Tanaka

Promotion of Sustainability Management

We have established the Sustainability Committee, chaired by representative director and comprises inside directors, full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member and executive officers. The Sustainability Committee promotes the formulation of basic policies, the establishment of the framework for promoting measures in line with basic policies and KPIs and the disclosure of information related to sustainability.

Promotion of Sustainability Management

Our Initiatives

The Realization of a Sustainable Society

While contributing to the resolution of social issues, such as the reduction of environmental impact and the realization of Connected Society, we aim to achieve sustainable growth and further increase corporate value together with society.

  • Contribution to the environment, including reduction of power consumption through Infra-Sharing

    Contribution to the environment, including reduction of power consumption through Infra-Sharing

  • Disclosure of corporate governance, compliance policies, initiatives and management systems

    Disclosure of corporate governance, compliance policies, initiatives and management systems


Infra-Sharing not only reduces costs, but also the material and construction work, as well as electricity consumption, which leads to a lower environmental impact.

GHG emissions reduction by Infra-Sharing

Introduction of Infra-Sharing enables the reduction of GHG emission in the development of Indoor and outdoor telecommunications environments.

  • *IBS:In-Building-Solution

Standard for calculation:Calculation of quantity of parts and materials of Infra-Sharing equipment ×CFP of materials in terms of emissions intensity (GHG emissions from manufacturing to recycling)

  • GHG emissions per building are approximately 30,000 m² which is the average size of JTOWER's 4G IBS installation site. (Calculated based on office-building data for ground 20F and underground 1F).
  • The separate installation by MNO is calculated by multiplying the materials used in calculating JTOWER IBS’s GHG emissions by the tenancy ratio of 2.9 in fiscal 2023 to calculate the contribution to GHG reduction.
  • GHG emissions per building are approximately 165,000 m² which is the average size of JTOWER’s 5G IBS installation site. (Calculated based on shopping center data for ground 4F).
  • The separate installation by MNO is calculated by multiplying the materials used in calculating JTOWER IBS's GHG emissions by the tenancy ratio of 1.5 in fiscal 2023 to calculate the contribution to GHG reduction.
Carve-out tower
  • GHG emissions per tower are calculated based on the data of about 30m steel-towers as the average-size of towers owned by JTOWER.
  • As for The separate tower building by MNO, the contribution to GHG reduction is estimated by multiplying the components used in the calculation in GHG emissions of JTOWER carve-out towers by the tenancy ratio expected to be 1.8 in the medium-term financial target for FY2026.


We will strive to reduce risks in business by establishing a risk management system that includes not only JTOWER but also partner companies and suppliers in terms of safety in construction and procurement.

Safety activities

In order to prevent industrial accidents and other accidents, we will promote the creation of safe and comfortable workplaces through regular safety and health inspections.

Safety and Health Patrols

Efforts to identify risks and hazards at an early stage, eliminate them and take measures to reduce them, prevent equipment accidents and information accidents, and ensure thorough safety awareness among workers in construction work.

Efforts for Safety and Health Patrols

  • Check whether there is any risk of disaster at a construction site.
  • If confirmed, direct the correction on the spot.
  • If ""cannot be implemented immediately,"" the work will be discontinued and countermeasures will be considered as soon as possible.
  • Check whether the instructed approaches are actually conducted at Safety and Health Meeting and morning meeting.
  • Maintain an appropriate tension and focus in the implementation of on-site work.

Safety Conferences

Efforts to review accidents and complaints associated with construction work, prevent the occurrence of similar problems, share the same understanding of construction safety and aim for safe and high-quality construction.

Date June 14, 2024
Participants Subcontractors of IBS Construction Dept., Tower Construction Dept., and Construction Management Dept. of JTOWER Inc.
Style Online(Zoom)
Number of participants 37 companies(261 people *Including the number of connections)
  • Review accidents and complaints
  • Introduction of safety initiatives at each construction company
  • Feedback from JTOWER for the completion inspection reports (submitted from construction companies)
Plans for future initiatives We plan to hold the next meetings in December, 2024.

Supply chain management

In developing and procuring equipment, we have established a sustainable management system not only for the company, but also for the entire supply chain.

RoHS Compliant

The components and products used comply with RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive), the European Union directive on Restrictions on the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic and Electric Equipment.


We have introduced ISO9001 and ISO14001 acquisitions as terms for suppliers that we believe are relevant to environmental and employment issues, and we continually review their condition, including their subsequent renewals.

Factory audits

Periodic factory audits of suppliers are conducted to verify safety and health, the qualifications of workers, and the working environment.

Office and work style

Following the relocation of headquarter in July 2022, we have been promoting the use of sustainable materials and creating a more comfortable working environment.

Utilization of Recycled Materials

Utilize recycle materials for interior design.

Reduction of office furniture disposal

Use a subscription service for office furniture. Realized a system that does not dispose furniture while flexibly responding to changes in working styles.

Promoting Wellness

In addition to comfortable working spaces, we will provide office spaces that enable employees to work in good physical and mental health by making communication and refreshing spaces.


Implementation of various initiatives with the aim of sinking in the corporate vision and revitalizing communication across positions and departments.

Company-wide meeting

Regular company-wide meetings are held to promote understanding of the company and share information. At the same time, a social gathering is held aiming for further communication among employees.

President Lunch

President Lunch is held regularly to deepen communication between top management and employees and to share various opinions and thoughts.

Corporate Vision Committee

Established a committee to promote understanding of the corporate vision by young employees across departments.

Codes of Conduct Award

The award system for the employee who embodies Code of Conduct.

Human capital

Aiming to create the working environment and organization where diverse human resources can balance job satisfaction and comfort in the workplace, maximizing their skills and individuality.

Human resource development

Based on JTOWER Code of Conduct, we aim to create an organizational structure in which diverse human resources can realize their own growth and corporate growth while maximizing their own capabilities and individuality.

Indicator FY2023 result Target
Training costs per employee 36,173 yen /person 5 times by FY2026 (compared to FY2022, 46,490 yen/person)
Number of training programs Manager:4 3 times by FY2026 (compared to FY2022, Manager 9, General employee 3)
General employee:3
New graduate:28
3 times other than new graduates by FY2026 (compared to FY2022, Manager 9, General employee 3)
Retirement rate 15.5% Less than10%

Establishment of Internal Environment

In line with the changes in employees' life stages, we have established a system that enables employees to control their work-life balance.
At the same time, we have set the targets with the aim of creating a safe and secure work environment.

Indicator FY2023 result Target
Paid vacation usage rate 73.3% 75% by FY2026
Return to work after childcare leave 100% Keep 100%
Number of Industrial accidents 0 Keep 0

JTOWER Code of Conduct

1 Always be sincere Face with our customers, business partners, colleagues, and all of our stakeholders in a sincere manner.
And always ask ourselves if we are sincere.
2 Take on challenges until we know better With high aspirations, we will take on challenges without compromising the status quo.
Learning both success and failure, we aim to grow day by day.
3 Snap into action Reduce the time to start moving into zero.
No matter how valuable it is, there is no point without working on it.
4 Keep going until we achieve our goals We take full responsibility for the work ensuring results.
We don’t let our guard down until the very end.
5 Ask for help When in trouble or distress, talk to people around you and ask for support. We have no members who are asked for support and do not respond to it. So feel free.

Empowering Women in the Workplace

Active recruitment and nomination to motivated women can work energetically. As of April 1, 2024, female workers accounted for 7.5% of managers.

* % of JTOWER Inc.


Corporate governance

With "Infra-Sharing Services from Japan Lead the World" as its corporate vision, JTOWER recognizes the enhancement of corporate governance as one of its key management issues in order to be a company trusted by all stakeholders.

Given this recognition, and in order to improve the soundness and transparency of management, improve efficiency, and raise corporate value consistently over the long term, JTOWER makes every effort to enhance its corporate governance in the pursuit of speedy, rational decision-making and more efficient business operations.

Corporate Governance System

We have established General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and Accounting Auditors as organizations under Companies Act. The Board of Directors, which is composed mainly of directors who are familiar with our business, carries out basic management policies and important business execution decisions and Audit & Supervisory Board Members with expertise in each field conduct audits from a fair and independent perspective. We believe the current system is effective in ensuring the soundness, transparency and efficiency of management. In addition, we collaborate with outside lawyers when making compliance and important legal judgments.


We regard compliance as a fundamental management policy. We have set Compliance Rules with the aim of ensuring thorough compliance by managements and employees, as well as sound and appropriate management and business execution, and are working to ensure compliance.

Strengthening compliance

In order to fulfill our social responsibility to take a part of the telecommunications network, achieve sustainable growth and realize our vision of "Infra-Sharing Services from Japan Lead the World," we set "Integrity" as an important keyword and have expressed the following basic policy for compliance(*).

*“Compliance” refers to the efforts of each and every employee under the managements, with high ethical standards, to comply with laws, regulations, and social norms, and to thoroughly conduct themselves with integrity.

Basic Policy

  1. Integrity towards all stakeholders
  2. Promote compliance to achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value
  3. Safety and compliance take priority over everything

Supplemental Principles

(1) Act with integrity as a member of society and in compliance with laws and regulations
  • We will conduct fair business transactions in compliance with laws and regulations, social norms, and internal rules.
  • We will always act with an attitude of sincerity, being aware that we are a member of society.
  • We will strive for a smooth exchange of opinions and make fair internal decisions in accordance with internal rules.
  • Each of us will faithfully perform our duties and will not commit any wrongful acts.
(2) Protect and manage information appropriately
  • We will strictly manage information obtained through our business operations in compliance with relevant laws.
  • We will adopt an adequate framework to manage information security and provide a safe IT environment.
  • We will strictly manage and handle personal information in accordance with our personal information protection policy.
(3) Strive to disclose information appropriately
  • We will disclose information in an appropriate manner to gain the understanding and trust of society.
(4) Maintain sound relationships with business partners
  • We will not engage in transactions with anti-social forces such as organized crime groups and corporate racketeer.
  • We will maintain fair and free relationships with business partners and will not make unreasonable demands (including bribery and other corrupt acts).
  • We will not engage in any illegal or corrupt activities.
(5) Realize a safe and healthy work environment with high moral standards
  • We will comply with laws, regulations, and other requirements related to health and safety.
  • We will strive to prevent harassment of any kind and maintain a working environment with high morals.
  • We will respect each other and create an attractive working environment.

Compliance system

We are implementing various initiatives to ensure thorough compliance by establishing a compliance system in which the head of Corporate Department is responsible for company-wide compliance. In addition, the person in charge of internal audits under the direct control of Representative Director and President is appointed to conduct periodic audits of the business execution and compliance status of each department, and the evaluation is reported to Representative Director and President and Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

Compliance hotline

We have established an internal reporting system and set up a contact point to properly operate and respond to violations of laws and other legal suspicions. In order to strengthen compliance managements, we have established the system for appropriate handling of requests for advice or reports of organizational or personal violations of laws and regulations from our employees, contract employees, part-timers, temporary workers, dispatched workers, and retirees, ensuring early detection and correction of improprieties.

Corruption prevention initiatives

We have set Compliance Rules and Anti-Bribery and Corruption Rules which do not allow any bribery or corruption, and our managements and employees shall not be involved in any bribery or corruption. We strive for fair transactions based on the premise of compliance with the anti-corruption laws of each country and will continue to strengthen our anti-corruption efforts.

Basic approach and systems to exclude anti-social forces

Our basic policy is to not have any relationships with antisocial forces and to reject any unfair demands, and we have clearly stated this in various internal rules and regulations. In addition, when it is found that a business partner is an individual, company, or organization involved with antisocial forces, the business is terminated.

Corporate Department acts as the responsible department for antisocial forces, and centrally manages and accumulates related information. In the event of undue claims by antisocial forces, we cooperate with the police, external law firms, and other external specialized organizations to establish a cooperative system in the event of an emergency.

Corruption prevention initiatives

We have set Compliance Rules and Anti-Bribery and Corruption Rules which do not allow any bribery or corruption, and our managements and employees shall not be involved in any bribery or corruption. We strive for fair transactions based on the premise of compliance with the anti-corruption laws of each country and will continue to strengthen our anti-corruption efforts.

Management system

Entertainment expenses and gifts will be provided only after following the required procedures based on the rules stipulated in regulations and accurate records of all transactions will be kept.
In compliance with laws and regulations, we prohibit the expenditure of entertainment expenses for public officials except in exceptional cases where the expenditure is in accordance with social norms without being extravagant or excessive. We also prohibit facilitation payments (small informal payments made to individual public officials for the purpose of facilitating ordinary administrative measures) and political contributions.

Obligation to report

Managements and employees shall report any bribery or corruption in accordance with the internal reporting system regulation.

Thorough understanding

  • Legal Department, which is responsible for compliance-related operations, is responsible for Anti-Bribery and Corruption Rules.
  • Legal Department shall ensure that managements and employees are fully aware of this rule and shall prevent bribery and corruption.
  • Legal Department shall disseminate relevant information at least once a year (including the notification in writing).


Annual training plans are established for managements and employees, and regular training sessions are conducted on compliance, harassment, prevention of insider trading, information security and other subjects.

Training programs conducted in FY2023

  • Information security
  • Compliance & insider trading
  • Legal (copyright, general legal knowledge, contracts, terminology, etc.)
  • Legal affairs communication (disseminated from Legal Department by changing the theme every month)

Our Approach for the SDGs

JTOWER believes that Infra-Sharing in itself leads to the realization of Sustainable Society

Our Approach for the SDGs