
Use of IR Information
IR information on this website is posted with the intention to provide financial information, performance indicators, etc. of JTOWER Inc. , subsidiaries and affiliates (hereinafter, “Company”) —however, no representations or warranties are made with respect to the accuracy, completeness, fairness, or certainty of this content. Moreover, information is not posted on this website with the intention of soliciting investment. When making actual investments, please refrain from relying solely on the information posted on this website in making investment decisions, and instead make investment decisions based on your own judgment.
Posted Information
The Company exercise care when posting information or other materials on this website, but does not guarantee the accuracy of the information posted. In addition, the Company is not liable for any damages arising from the use, application, or downloading of information or other materials posted on this website, regardless of the reason. Additionally, the information posted on this site includes information provided by third parties in addition to the Company. This information is provided solely for your convenience, and the Company is not responsible for the accuracy of this content in any way.
Future Prospects
The information posted on this site may include matters relating to future prospects regarding business performance, etc. These matters include certain risks and uncertainties, and may not necessarily be consistent with the actual future performance of the Company, due to changes in economic conditions and market trends. The risks and uncertainties outlined above include those described as business risks, etc.