USE CASE ※The track record here is one of the sampling sites. ALL In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) In-building infrastructure sharing(overseas) Local 5G Wi-Fi solutions In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) MEGURO CENTRAL SQUARE Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) Avex building Minato-ku, Tokyo In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) AEON MALL Kofushowa (expansion) Nakakoma, Yamanashi In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) K-Opticom Building Osaka, Osaka In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) Empire Building Chuo-ku, Tokyo In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) Takasaki OPA Takasaki, Gunma In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) AEON STYLE Toyota Toyota, Aichi In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) UD Yumesaki Building Osaka, Osaka In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) AEON MALL Matsumoto Matsumoto, Nagano In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) Nihon University College of Economics Building No.3 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) AEON MALL Kobe Minami Kobe, Hyogo In-building infrastructure sharing(domestic) AEON MALL Tokushima Tokushima, Tokushima < 1 … 21 22 23 24 25 26 >